

Original price was: ₦290,000.00.Current price is: ₦285,000.00.


Starplus offers a long-lasting inverter tubular battery. Our tubular inverter batteries come in different capacities ranging from 130AH to 240AH.

These inverter batteries not only last long but are incredibly powerful too. Warranty period is 24 months

Starplus 12v 220ah tubular batteries are specially designed to be used with home and industrial inverters where traditionally flooded tubular batteries are typically used.

Most inverters have chargers with high-ripple content that cause the shedding of active materials in the battery plate.

As a result, tubular batteries are preferred over flat plate maintenance-free batteries. Leader tubular Inverter industrial battery is specially designed to encapsulate the plates with gel electrolyte to prevent shedding.


A tubular inverter battery is a lead-acid battery as well. However, it is much bigger when compared to a flat plate inverter battery.

Tubular batteries are the best type of inverter batteries in Nigeria. This is indisputable, as they can be used in areas that have frequent power cuts. Tubular inverter batteries are also the best for applications that require high power.

A tubular inverter battery is made to last very long. It has a longer duration of service when compared to a flat plate and gel batteries.

They are also more durable and give the longest warranty period to customers. Tubular inverter batteries are designed in different dimensions. However, you should make your selection based on the available space you have in your house, workshop or industry.

Tubular inverter batteries can be further grouped into Short tubular batteries (ST and TJ) and Tall tubular batteries (TT).



  • Advanced spines – for better performance on heavy loads and better current flow
  • Thicker spines – thicker spines aid in maintaining structural design and more stable resistance against corrosion failure.
  • Thicker tubular plates – enhancing performance, giving 1200 cycles @80% depth of discharge
  • Thicker tubular plates – aimed at making the performance better. Gives 1200 cycles @80% depth of discharge (one cycle is one full charge followed by one full discharge
  • UltraLow maintenance and less topping-up
  • PESeparator – Low electrical resistance, minimal self discharging & high porosity
  • CellPartition welded with short electrical path for low internal resistance
  • 99.9%Pure Lead
  • Full Capacity/ True AH Output •100% Factory charged battery • Low self discharge
  • Heavy duty terminal •Ceramic Water level
  • Excellentpartial state of Charge (PSOC) Performance
  • High Efficiency grid design mode of selenium / Low antimony alloy with grain refiners for low water loss, least corrosion long life management system with micro porouswent plugs for least environmental pollution
  • Rugged anti-corrosive addictive for longer battery life
  • computerized formation for uniform quality and peak performance
  • container made of PP Co-polymer for strength & robustness
  • More ribs on containers for better strength •Batteries are designed to operate in partial charged conditions even in the non sunny days.


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